Welcome to LDRiders, proponents of safe long-distance riding

LDRiders has been around since April of 1996. It was the first maillist for Long Distance Riding, and has provided thousands of riders with news, tech help, riding hints, and camaraderie since then. The “LDR” list is both loved and hated by many of the big dogs and puppies out there, but is undeniably the “put it in my mailbox” system for those that want to be a part of the Long Distance riding and IronButt community.
Since its inception, when it was running with a few members on a Macintosh SE30 to now, with worldwide membership, it has been concerned with safe long-distance riding. You can find riders of just about any background, and answers to most questions in a very short amount of time.
There are archives available to members.
To subscribe follow this link
LRDiders had a massive donation influx in July of 2024 and I am extremely grateful to the following people for their support:
Paul Peloquin on the Long Distance Motorcycle
Have something that you'd like to share here? If you have a trip report, see a post that you think is important and should be easy to find? Have a product review? Want to share how you've made modifications (farklingings) to your bike? Sent it to Joe!
Want to go "Everywhere"?
From Wikipedia
Since the Long Distance Rider list exists as primarily a mail list it has its own cultural significance and impacts on a miniscule area of culture. As you might discuss the beginnings of the Internet and NNTP (News Groups) and specific groups like comp.os (sic) you could discuss Long Distance Rider. It is an entity rather than a thing. The entity Long Distance Rider (list) is a tiny proportion of the motorcycling population that has enormous impact on the direction and revenues of motorcycling (members are utilized in advertising, as testers, and as spokesman). The Long Distance Rider List is the primary communications organ. So, The Long Distance Rider List could also be considered a phenomenon.
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