Route Planning 400
Hopefully I have given you some great basics about getting information from your rallymaster into your instruments and making some decisions on setting a direction. That is absolutely great but not always so useful. Those darned rallymasters are a crafty lot and they read also (sure they do….), so they know we are all out there with our computers and GPS’s just waiting to crack the key to their rally they just spent hundreds of hours preparing. Because of that they are masters of coming up with ways to make the classic computer analysis useless.
You have to remember that what we are doing is trying to have some fun, challenge ourselves, see some unique sites and do some unique things with friends we have and new friends we will make. What I am trying to do in this lesson is give you a more flexible and wider framework to work from so that you will not do what I did when I got my first rallybook – I froze stiff as a board, and just started worrying about where my first gas stop would be (hey I rode a bike that go about 170 miles before it seriously needed gas).
Self AssessmentThis is probably the biggest single important thing you will do for your rally. In this exercise you will evaluate what you want to accomplish, set targets for miles and overall goals for your rally performance.
Rallying is not certificate riding. You have new tasks to perform in collecting bonuses, finding unknown locations and/or performing tasks. You do not get to chose the roads you will ride, you will be put in situations that you would normally not chose (such as in heavy National Park or City traffic) you will ride into weather you would rather avoid and get lost and have to ask directions. These are things that will impact your ability to pack on miles. I like to think of setting my goals in categories
1) Mileage (How many miles do I think I can do).
2) Points and Bonuses (base route, alternate route, trying to win, trying to survive).
3) Performance at rally tasks (staying on route, sticking to plan, earning all points claimed, claiming all points earned, having fun, being a good rallyist in the eyes of the RM).
If you have only completed a single or a couple of SS1K’s you might want to set your goals relatively low:
1. Complete the rally minimum mileage or near to 1,000 miles as possible with rest.
2. Complete the minimum number of bonuses required to be a finisher.
3. Do not lose any points in scoring or performing basic rally tasks.
4. Have a good time – be the rallyist the rallymaster will want back.
I remember my first rally very clearly. I could not always go 24 hours straight without getting a nap and this was a 26 hour rally. I had mastered the ability to ride 1,000 miles efficiently (able to do it in about 16 hours given appropriate roads) and had come close to completing a BBG. When the rallypack opened I saw an alternate route on very fast freeway roads that would set me up for a BBG and best of all I had built in witnesses with the ODO check. I set my goals:
1. Complete my first BBG
2. Secure the four bonuses that defined the route.
3. Be efficient enough to leave some nap time if necessary.
4. Have fun.
I did not know about losing points at the scoring table, I did not understand the time constraints of some bonuses, so I did not set any such goals. I finished my first BBG, had time for a short power nap that was needed, but missed a timed bonus so got “0” points and finished in official last place. I also accepted the loss of all my points graciously and had a good laugh with the Rallymaster and we have been friends since.
Lets look at that mileage target in some detail. This is the most important target that you will set. It needs to be practical, within your capabilities and set so you will be challenged but that you will finish safely. Setting this requires some knowledge of what is difficult and what are basic accomplishments in endurance rallying. I am going to give you some basic guidelines:
1. 42.5 mph average will result in completing 1,000 miles in 24 hours.
2. 62.5 mph average will result in completing 1,500 miles in 24 hours .
3. 75 mph average will result in 1,800 miles in 24 hours.
If you can complete 1,000 miles on demand, just in the act of touring – then you should be able to use target #1. If you are involved in a multiday rally with difficult roads or weather and you have easily completed back to back 1,000 mile days then this may be a good target.
Target #2 is appropriate for a short rally where you will not need rest, possibly a 24 hour rally on open roads with 70 mph speed limits. It is very difficult to do this more than one day at a time or on secondary roads. It is a very experienced rallyist that can complete back to back BBG’s even on open roads with minimal bonuses and fewer people than I can count on my fingers have ever done three in a row. Just doing it in a single day takes most of 24 hours at a fast pace and that means no time for rest. With these constraints it is almost impossible to maintain a 62.5 mph average over multidays.
Target #3 is for the experienced rider on open roads with high speed limits – and for a 24 hour rally it is about the max to be expected. Yes, there are “rumors” of the illusive 2K day. I am here to tell you to forgettaboutit.
Tool Chest of Accomplishments - Another part of this calculation is what you have accomplished to date. I do not try to set personal bests on mileage during rally’s unless I am presented with a special opportunity to do so (as I was in my first rally). I am fully aware of my capabilities and accomplishments. I know I can do a SS1K on most any day, I can usually pull off a BBG when requested, but I have not completed two BBG’s in a row. I have run 1,000 – 1,200 miles a day on relatively difficult roads for several days at a time. Finally I know that I can run up to around 1,700 miles in 24 hours given favorable conditions. These are demonstrated accomplishments and limitations. It is my tool chest of things I know I can pull out if necessary. You should have this and be realistic about it.
Conditioning – as a last consideration, and really a moderating influence on my Tool Chest I have to consider my current condition. Have I been getting good rest, is my overall conditioning the same or similar to when I set my standards, do I have nagging problems that will be amplified during a long ride (sore wrist, blister, etc).
Rest Requirements - I have developed knowledge of my needs for rest (normal is about 6 hours a night). I have divined after many very long (7 to 15 day) rides that I can go several days with 4 hours of good sleep nightly but will need 6 – 8 every three days or so to catch back up (Later I will provide a link to a fatigue study done by our own Don Arthur that is required knowledge for all rallyists). I also know I can at times ride 36 hours without normally having to stop if very well rested (but will need a solid 8 hours after that to recover acceptably).
With this knowledge (what are difficult and reasonable targets, what is in my Tool Chest of accomplishments, my conditioning, and what my necessary rest requirements are) combined with the difficulty of the general rally route, I can establish a reasonable target for mileage. A realistic target for me will normally be somewhere between 45 and 62 mph average, depending upon the length of the rally and the difficulty of the route. The longer the rally the lower the average mph.
Never be Afraid to DNFI have DNF’d (Did Not Finish) my share of rallies. There is no shame in this and normally it is because I set my sights to high. As my father would say, my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Or maybe something happened, broken motorcycle, misread instructions, caught in traffic, or simply I needed more rest than I made allotment for. I have heard people postulate that if “you do not DNF then you are not trying hard enough”. I prefer to think that if you never DNF then maybe you are doing things you might not want to talk about.
Think about that when you are rallying. If you are tempted to do something you would not be proud to tell your Rallymaster, then maybe you are getting a bit over the line. Stopping and getting a hotel room might be the very smartest thing you could do, waiting for that pilot car and not running a construction zone is probably the smart thing to do, waiting in line to get a receipt rather than cutting in front of a group of civilians is probably the right thing to do.
I told you about getting Zero points on my first rally. I needed a gas receipt before 1:00am that day in Durango, CO. I had gotten my gas but the pump did not put out a receipt. Once entering the store there was a lineup at the register and I patiently waited my turn and when I got my receipt it was three minutes late. I commented to the attendant what had just happened to me and another person offered me their receipt. I smiled and said no, knowing full well I would probably have more fun at the finish with my “0” point score than a middle of the pack score it would have given me.
You are here to have fun, you are here as a representative of the IBA, as a representative of that rallymaster and of motorcyclists across the country. It is always best to put safety first, act with dignity, and do the right thing in public. Remember this is just a pass time and there are no riches waiting for you back at rally headquarters. The story you now have to tell is most likely worth 10 times more than a finishing position that will be forgotten by the time the banquet is over. Getting back safely is the most important thing you will do for your family your rally master, and friends (which will now include that rallymaster and their staff).
Hypothetical Question: You have just run a great rally and are in Wendover, NV with just 113 fast miles across the Great Salt Lake toSalt Lake City and the finish. You have 1 ¾ hours to get there before being timed barred. You pull up second in line to a Utah Highway Patrolman stopping traffic on the freeway completely for an accident where someone fell asleep and drove off onto the Salt Flats flipping their RV. A Life Flight Helicopter lands on the shoulder and shuts down their rotors. Time ticks away as they hold the freeway closed and the EMT’s prepare the victims for transport. The patrolman leaves to assist the EMT crews, leaving the cars stopped by a single flare and their own recognizance. All the activity is off on the Salt Flats, the Helo is just on the shoulder with the stopped blades barely in the right lane, you know every Highway Patrol between here and Salt Lake is assisting here, do you:
1. Slip by the lead car and ease past the accident and the Helo and then carefully head towards Salt Lake and the finish?
2. Shut down your motorcycle and resign yourself to seeing your rally tick away while the accident crew finishes their tasks and clears the highway of the Life Flight Helo.
Setting Alternate Rally GoalsI talked about categories to set goals and I gave three:
1) Mileage (How many miles do I think I can do).
2) Points and Bonuses (base route, alternate route, trying to win, trying to survive).
3) Performance at rally tasks (staying on route, sticking to plan, earning all points claimed, claiming all points earned, having fun, being a good rallyist in the eyes of the RM).
There are some other things you can work on and set to make your rally experience more fulfilling and an enjoyable experience. There are many tasks associated with a rally including the ride there and back, the activity leading up to the start, the activities after the rally. Try some things like this:
1) Set a goal to create a route that you complete perfectly – if you do that I guarantee you will not care which place in line you finish – you were perfect in your estimation.
2) Try to get through tech inspection and the ODO check without incident (RM’s love this). Be organized, knowledgeable of the rally rules, and have everything you should.
3) Create a step by step process for processing a rallypack and stick to it when the pressure is on. Here is mine (Rallypack Processing)
4) Set a goal to finish your routing in a certain amount of time.
5) Set a goal of getting so much rest the day before the rally.
6) Make sure to check the weather and road conditions before the rally packs are dispersed. Best to do the afternoon or night before the start.
7) Pick a great road on the way there or back and try to route yourself over that scenic part of Americana.
8) Try not to look at the GPS “Trip” page on the way home and stop for a leisurely lunch or breakfast. Reset the trip page in the middle of your trip home. Try to put your “master” in her place.
9) Try to meet and remember (this is the hard part) two people you have corresponded with on the internet but never met face to face – make some friends.
10) Buy the rallymaster a drink and thank all the staff you can find. Get to know these guys/gals, they are normally quite experienced OG’s and full of great experiences.
In-It-To-Win-It – I have won my share of rallies but I can honestly say that only one time did I ever start with the specific intent to win it, and I spent a year preparing to do just that. Much of my rallying is really against myself as I attempt to perform to the best of my ability, make a good plan, execute it and get all the points that I target. Naturally I am anxious to see how that measures up with other riders and over time, as I have become more proficient, those comparisons have improved, just what I would expect from any activity where experience breeds success.
The ability to self assess, to know how to keep fresh through drastically changing environments, to ride and collect bonuses efficiently, to earn credit for all bonuses claimed, these are skills that take some riders (yours truly) years to refine. As riders become more proficient you see them climb higher on the leader board on a regular basis. I am sure you can name the top three or five rallyist right now and most of those have been at it for a long time (you may be one of them). Just like many in the community I admire them for their skills and abilities but I realize that it is the product of practice and experience that allows them to do some amazing feats with more safety than the average rider displays riding across town. Don’t believe me – look at the IBR winners and then look back and see where they finished in prior years.
I remember finishing my first rally in last place with that big Goose Egg over a decade ago, but a couple of years later I finished something like 13th in a big multiday with some 50 riders. How I really improved over that time period was by becoming better at applying the 29 Tips in the Iron Butt Archive of Wisdom. I won my first rally after some 4 years or so of rallying and even today I continue to improve my proficiency to make up for my old age (yes, you can cry for me now).
There are cases where a new rallyist hits the podium right out of the gate, but that is the exception. While they can say neener-neener-neener to me all they want, I believe most riders are doing themselves a favor if they start with reasonable expectations and work up from there building good strong rally habits. You set reasonable goals, practice your craft and you will not only become a better rallyist, it will vastly improve your touring and normal riding allowing you to safely cover greater distances with aplomb. You can shortcut the experience and bull your way to a top finish but that has a tendency to catch up to a rider. Let the rallying skill come to you instead of trying to force it and find your way to the podium. You will get there with skill and wisdom instead of a heavy throttle hand and sleep deprivation.
Set Up a Rally FolderBefore I start the annual rally season I set up a Folder (one of those Two Hole Three Page Flat Folders). Create a folder like this and things will go much smoother with your rallies. Organization is key and a rally folder will have you supremely organized. In this folder goes:
1) Copy of License, Registration(s) and proof of insurance for motorcycles (Declaration Page).
2) Many Copies of my Checklists and worksheets:
a. The Rallypack Processing Spreadsheet –I make copies of the:
i. Bonus List Page – If I have to work manually on a Rallypack, then I use this to list the points for each bonus to highlight those that are important and manually sort. I put the “Freebies” in the blank area below the bonus list. I list the checkpoints, gas log and other bonuses that are common in a rally at the bottom so I do not miss those.
ii. Route Listing Page – This is where I handwrite the bonuses that I am going to target in order – this goes in my mapcase for me to work off during the rally.
iii. Timing Page – I use this for more complex rallies where I need to work over multiple days, multiple time zones, daylight only bonuses and hit small checkpoint windows. This is how I keep myself “On Schedule”. Many use their GPS to do this but I like the old fashioned method – especially if my GPS craps out.
b. Bonus Processing Checklist – this becomes natural but I do have a checklist that I keep and sometimes use to keep me on track. It is good rally technique to use this.
c. Gas Stop Checklist. – This should be second nature to most rallyists but if you need to be reminded – this is my checklist. A good thing to review before you start a rally.
d. Checkpoint and Scoring Checklist – want to get all the points you claim and be successful at the scoring table. Then leave yourself some time and use this checklist to process your rally BEFORE you step up to be scored.
3) Copy of the Rallypack for each rally you are entered into for the year.
4) Copy of each Hotel Reservation Confirmation for each rally.
5) Time Zone Map.
6) Chart of border crossings with Canada – with open times.
Preparing the WorkspaceYour rally starts when you get to Rally Headquarters. If you have internet access get a read on weather and highway conditions. Get through technical inspection and registration and then get some rest before the pressure is on. For many this is the last opportunity to sleep as many have difficulty doing so the night before a big ride. Before you go the rider meeting or banquet, where the rallypack will be issued, do the following:
1) Pack your bags and get ready to leave – set up your rally clothes for the next day.
2) Clear a work area and make sure your Photo, Cell phone, Computer and GPS are charged.
3) Connect the computer and GPS getting them to talk to each other.
4) Clear GPS Bonus by Type (Waypoints)
5) Clear GPS Routes
6) Open Streets and Trips, Rally Pack Procesing Checklist, Degree Conversion Spreadsheet
7) Have copies of the Route Listing and Route Worksheet to work with (enter data on paper forms)
a. These are separate “Worksheets “ of my Rally Processing Spreadsheet. Notice the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
b. You should have several copies of this in your “Rally Folder” to work on.
8) Name new route for Streets and Trips - Save in Rally Folder
9) Enter Checkpoints into S&T and create a direct route - Save
10) Fill in Timing Worksheet with Checkpoints and times - calculate hours for leg or rally.
11) Determine General Miles to be ridden for the leg (45 mph avg)
You are now prepared to receive and process efficiently your rallypack. You should have all your bags ready to go out to the bike, laundry done and packed, and nothing out but the clothes you will start the rally in.
FreebiesThis is my favorite part of Rallying! Be very aware of those bonuses that are essentially free points. Believe me those experienced rallyists NEVER miss any of these. They can be such things as:
1) Gas Log
2) Rest Stops
3) Declare your route
4) Take a Picture of a Sunset
5) Get a burger from a particular burger chain
6) Get a picture of a LEO
7) Call in Bonuses
Make sure you understand what is required for your freebies including any time constraints and which time zone is applicable. Be sure to list these separately on your route list and worksheets so you do not miss any. Sometimes they are buried deep in a bnus pack and sometimes they are not even listed as separate bonuses.
Be Flexible – Recognize Patterns, Know your RallymasterThis covers a whole range of things when planning a rally. I have given you a particular method for coding, recognizing waypoints and making a route. This is a good framework and might be just the ticket for some rally’s but not necessarily always.
You need to be able to take this framework and adopt it to what the Rallymaster is presenting you with. For instance there might be threads where you need to get more than one bonus. Be able to recognize arithmetic (each one adds the same amount of points) and geometric threads (where each additional bonus multiplies the points by an increasing amount). You can add a “T” to the code as I did but you can also use a different symbol especially for the geometric progressions so you highlight them when planning. I am going to tell you later that you will need to quickly recognize the most pertinent bonuses to target quickly and create a route. Look for geometric threads then for arithmetic threads and finally large single bonuses. Look for timed bonuses, particularly large ones that have to be completed within a short time from the start of the rally or leg. Look for that premier bonus. Many rallymasters like to put in a feature bonus, something that they really scouted out and it is spectacular, or just unique. Look for this as it will normally be on the primary route.
Know the rallymaster. You will find they have patterns and tendency’s – kind of like baseball pitchers, or football teams. I have known some that put their bonuses in the order you will come upon them if you follow the base route (this is important because you could simply skip the whole computer thing and follow the rally pack – if you knew this). I have seen the ones where they have the single premier bonus, something that is spectacular and it will be on the primary route as they do not want you to miss it. Then there are those who maybe did not scout their bonuses well and you will be searching, calling for further directions etc. These are all tendencies that can be helpful if you know then, so know your rallymaster.
Bonus PitfallsHere you are trying to make a plan for the next 38 hours and you have planned to ride some 1900 miles figuring 50 miles per hour average. That sounds great until you get to that 100,000 pt bonus and find it requires a three mile hike through thick woods and across a creek. This takes you two hours after you dry out your techsox. What I am saying is that you need to be aware of what you are getting into on each bonus.
It does not require memorization but really just quick scanning of your targets. You should be aware of time restraints on your bonuses but also other requirements such as:
1. Is it in a National Park – these can be hell to get into and out of as many are quite remote and sometimes crowded.
2. Is it in a busy downtown like Chicago or San Francisco. If you know the area it can be a real advantage but if not you could end up in trouble.
3. Does it require much time off the bike. Look for things that require hiking, getting into water (which might require taking gear on and off). Will you need to secure gear for a period of time while you take a hike.
4. Does it require you to get another bonus to get the points for the target (careful).
5. Is it going to require special parking – like going into the Smithsonian.
6. Do you have limited access to the bonus – do you have to take a tram, take a tour, or other time consuming activity to complete the bonus.
7. Is it a long one way drive in and out to get a bonus.
8. If you have to eat something (not just get a receipt) be wary. It may be a very busy place where it is difficult to get seated – otherwise an experienced rallyist will just get a receipt without doing the wait. (I had to get a Beignet receipt from Café DuMond in New Orleans once – I dropped the kickstand in the VIP parking spot just outside the front door ran in and looked at the sitting waitresses and said “I’ve got $10 for the first Beignet receipt in my hand”. All but one looked curiously at me in all my gear but the other one just walked up to the register and pumped out a receipt for me and I handed her a $10 spot and left.
9. Gravesites – be careful, these can be big pitfalls as you may be looking at 40 acres of graves and have to find that single one that is knocked over….
10. Even though the bonus says “anytime”, will you be able to get a decent picture in pitch dark. I have seen cases where you could not get close to an item to take a picture, could not get a bike near it to shine headlights, and were basically screwed once you spent four hours riding to get that bonus at 3:00 am in the morning. This is one you may have to just make a educated guess on based on the description of the item in the rally pack. Ne aware of large “Scenery” type pictures like a “Mountain Top” or a “Statue” along say a river side.
All of these things can make a bonus take much more time than you anticipate, and do not think for a minute that the rallymaster did not know this also. You need to be aware of these and be able to identify them when you are setting up your plan.
24 Hour Rally30-36 Hour RallyMultiday RallyHours to PlanNight to PlanDays to PlanSafety is Your First GoalI am going to give you some of the most valuable information I can possibly proffer in this short section. I always try to put some thoughts together about the people that I love and that love me (yes, I do have a mother, I was not made in a test tube as rumored) before I turn the key to start a rally. I think about how life would be for them if something happened to me and this seems to give me a sense of perspective to the task at hand. Remember, this is supposed to be fun, it is a hobby, it is just a big boy game. Taken too seriously there are can be very serious consequences.
Every rider is different but there are particular signs of pending danger that most experience and you need to be able to recognize those and be cognizant of the fact you are experiencing them. I work on a one strike basis – one strike and I look for a rest area, two strikes and I pull over at next exit. Here is a list of my strikes:
1. Do not dim lights for oncoming traffic.
2. Do not dim lights as I approach traffic.
3. Wander in my lane (not hold my line).
4. Pass a turn.
5. Miss a V1 report.
6. Misjudge closing speed with other traffic.
7. Do not anticipate traffic and get surprised by something like a merging car.
8. Get startled by something like entering an underpass.
9. See giant lizards crawling along the roadside.
10. Find myself cruising too slow or too fast (I like to be within 10 of speed limit).
This is not a complete list – basically when I start to see small screw-ups I take notice and do not ignore them. Good sleep is one of the most important things you will do on a rally and it is good to be familiar with Don Arthurs writings in this area:
Don Arthurs PDF on Fatigue
The most dangerous time in any rally is the start and the end. At the start adrenaline is running high so you should try to calm yourself. Remember to do the basics, keep a clear distance from other riders, secure your rally pack and flag and concentrate on just getting out on the main roads safely without incident. From there ease your way to the first bonus, take your time and get yourself into a rhythm. Once the first bonus is captured you are well on your way to a great ride.
The end of a rally requires special attention. Many of the accidents happen after the last bonus is secured, especially if you have plenty of time to get back to the finish. This provides an opportunity for your mind to shut down and for you to get too relaxed with a feeling that you are “done”. YOU ARE NOT DONE! You still need to safely get back to rally headquarters and now is the time to be MOST AWARE of symptoms of exhaustion. Be vigilant about the strike system I presented earlier. Stop at a rest area if you get the opportunity and the time – just for grins and a good stretch. Have a smoke if you do that, maybe even a little nap if necessary, repack the bike, organize your paperwork. What you really need to do is to regain your attention span, get the juices flowing again and bring up that alertness level. If you find an open restaurant maybe even stop get a cup of coffee and get that paperwork squared away.
Dehydration – special attention is required to Hydration while rallying. Most of the old pros know this and are aware of the warning signs. Here is a list of some of the signs of dehydration:
- Dry mouth
- The eyes stop making tears
- Sweating may stop
- Muscle cramps
- Nausea and vomiting
- Heart palpitations
- Lightheadedness (especially when standing)
- Weakness
- Decreased urine output
No Rally Was Ever Won from a Jail CellI will not take credit for this saying but will attribute it to Tom M. who knows about these things!! You will never win a rally if you are doing things that will get your bike confiscated, have you held for hearing or any other such thing. In Tom’s case it was a warrant for an old ticket he paid that did not get properly recorded (something he really had nothing to do with). Still, it is a lesson learned and some of the things that can get you in such a situation are:
1) Reckless driving – considered in some areas to be 20 over the speed limit.
2) Drinking and driving (OK, we all know the 12 hour “Bottle to Throttle” rule)
3) Stunting – in some places this can be as simple as standing on your pegs.
4) Running from police – you know when they spin around if it is you they are targeting.
5) Carrying Contraband
Hopefully you are out having fun and that is easily attained without endangering the public, embarrassing yourself or having a rallymaster called on the carpet by local police.
When Everything turns to S#%tSo you have done it all. You got all the bonuses coded, entered into a mapping program and made the perfect route that is now downloaded to your GPS. It is day 8 of the IBR and you just ran over a rock and bent a rim and it cannot hold a seal anymore……
When stuff goes wrong your priorities (OK, MY priorities) are this:
1. Be Safe – the side of the road is a dangerous place to be. You need to get out of there.
2. Assess your situation – will it be a short fix not impacting your rally progress or is it something that will cause you to be late back to the finish? Do you have enough Duct Tape??
3. Appraise the Rallymaster of your situation – so they do not send out the Highway Patrol looking for you.
4. If you can finish the rally – even with a big penalty or with limited points – do it, show some pride.
5. If you cannot finish on time and are going to DNF – do it. Get back to the finish and the banquet and have a good time with your friends.
6. If you can continue on with your rally – but have lost some time. You need to take some time to replan.
a. If you barely have time to get back to rally HQ - GET MOVING, DO NOT STOP.
b. If you got quite a bit of time. This is where it is good to have a charged computer. Get off the road and pull out the computer and make up a quick route back to HQ picking up the most valuable bonuses that you can, list your target bonuses and program that route into the GPS.
c. You have only a moderate amount of time. Skip the computer, make a quick route on the GPS back to Rally HQ and look at what bonuses it naturally passes by. Try to add those to the route using via’s (most valuable first) and see what you can get. Incidentally – THIS IS WHY I CODE MY BONUSES, so I can easily look at the GPS screen or the waypoint list, and quickly see which ones I need to target when on the fly.
Unless you are limping along on a seriously injured bike or are not feeling well yourself, then try to get back to Rally HQ and show everyone your grit and determination. Remember my section of not being afraid to DNF.